FAUbox Account Lifecycle

What ist the User Account Lifecycle?

The User Account lifecycle describes the processes, how to get a FAUbox account, what are the options to maintain an account and how a FAUbox account ist deleted again. The User Account Lifecycle is designed to ensure that an authorized person can access the FAUbox as soon as they need it-easily quickly and securely from any where and with any device.

Who is an authorized person?

The authorized person ist who has been appointed by the own institution or who has been invited to a folder by an authorized person. The first ones receive an account with their own storage space (quota; currently 50 GB) and the second ones receive a guest account without own quota. They work with the quota of the inviting person. As a rule, the institutions nominated all students and employees for the use of the FAUbox. International guests for global projects are always possible and are actively invited.  Accounts with quota are realised via federated connection (Single Sign On->SSO), i.e. they log on to their own Identity Provider (IdP) with the access data of their own Institution. Guests activate their account and log in directly to the FAUbox.

How do I create a FAUbox Account?

For authorized persons, a login at https://faubox.rrze.uni-erlangen.de/login is sufficient. The account is created if it does not exist yet. Detailed instructions can be found at: https://www.doku.faubox.rrze.fau.eu/cloud-guide/getting-started/logging-into-the-faubox-webinterface/registration-login-guide-for-internal-users/

For guests an account is created by invitation. The guest must activate his account. See “https://www.doku.faubox.rrze.fau.eu/projects-with-external-partners/

How do I maintain my FAUbox account?

it is possible to upload an avatar image, add an additional email addresses, or set the language. Further maintain measures do not make sense. On the following page you will find help “https://www.doku.faubox.rrze.fau.eu/cloud-guide/users-guide/“

How is a FAUbox account deleted?

Here the procedure is a little different. For FAU members, all inactive accounts are currently deactivated after 13 months without registration and deleted 13 months after the FAU affiliation has expired.
Accounts of authorized persons from other institutions and guests are deleted 13 months after the last login.

Before an account is deleted, an email ist sent to the data subject with the request to log in to maintain the account. If the person does not comply, a warning is sent again after 14 days and in case of renewed passivity the account is deleted the day after.

Non-activated guest accounts with be deleted after three months without warning.